Carpal tunnel Decompression

Your journey to your Carpal Tunnel Decompression starts with the clinic consultation.

You will be referred to me by your GP – I can see you in the clinic without a referral but I will have to write to your Doctor with the outcome of your consultation.

During the appointment we will discuss your symptoms and their impact to your daily activities. I will examine your hand and I will organise nerve conduction studies, if you don’t already have had. We will also go through all your medical conditions, your medication and your allergies. It will be extremely helpful if you bring with you a list of your current medication.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes pain, affects the sensation of the thumb, the index and the middle finger and occasionally the power of the hand. It is very characteristic that the symptoms will wake you up at night.

If we agree that your symptoms are intrusive and conservative treatment has been exhausted, you will be offered a Carpal Tunnel Decompression

I will explain you the benefits and the risks of the procedure and if you can accept them, we will go through a formal consent form.

You will be admitted in the hospital on the day of your operation

We will meet to discuss any outstanding details and confirm your consent.

If you like music, I would recommend you bring your favourite playlist with you. I will provide you with over the ears, noise cancelling headphones. Music will keep you distracted, relaxed and isolated from the theatre noise for the duration of the procedure.

You will be escorted in the Operating Theatre where your operation will be performed

Local anaesthetic is routinely used as the procedure lasts around ten minutes.

As I am familiar with microvascular techniques I will perform the procedure under prismatic loupe magnification; this way I will clearly see and avoid the small nerves and vessels, and give you a safe and complete release of the compressed area.

You will be encouraged to start moving your hand immediately.

You will be discharged from the hospital on the same day

Your symptoms will start improving immediately.

If your recovery is uneventful we will meet in the clinic two weeks later. You will have your wound stitches or clips removed. The likelihood is that no further appointments will be required.